Q Q :7676619
我一直在寻找的地下金属探测器湿砂阿帕奇堡附近的码头上的大链默特尔比奇约15分钟时,我发现一名男子走向我。 正如他提请接近,我可以看出他不是平均滩工程猎人谁的干砂,寻找新鲜下降包硬币。
他自我介绍为吉姆布罗威,一个自封的“地下金属探测器。当时他手持一个穿神剑和太阳黑子勺,和穿着的灼热的南卡罗来纳州的太阳。 吉姆生活以西约两个小时的默特尔比奇和流连海滩全年在他追求黄金和戒指。他的激情是水狩猎,和他谈话后几分钟,我知道他的意思业务。我很惊讶地发现,他知道菲尔亚历山大老板共同美分金属探测器 ,北卡罗来纳州,一个美丽的男人我见过一个绝对惊人的财富的金属检测和海滩狩猎知识。 我们一会儿,然后向南吉姆虽然我继续狩猎湿炮弹。
约两小时后,我会见了吉姆再次和他给我看一个人的黄金结婚戒指,他发现。我已经找到了一个女人的纯银戒指和一些硬币,但没有金牌。 我没有抱怨,但是。 毕竟,这只是我的第一天的假期和海滩上的狩猎大东街,我已经找到了戒指,并提出了新的朋友!
我们的谈话转向环打猎,我告诉吉姆,我还没有找到一个钻石戒指。 我在6年的土地和沙滩狩猎,我用金属探测器已经收集了大约30个戒指,但没有钻石。 我已经打破了银屏障1910年理发季度,旧硬币屏障1803年大的,并发现了1882年警戒标志是精选中的W &素由Mark帕克作为最佳寻找2004年。 但是,没有钻石戒指。
G当然,住在新泽西州中部,我不想寻找海滩日常生活。 所以,我的数字是法的平均水平。如果你在海滩努力寻找正确的设备与日复一日低潮低潮后,迟早幸运之神将奖励你一块金牌。 没想到,我知道她会尽快向服务!
吉姆出现在指定的时间,笑嘻嘻合不拢嘴。 他猎取的上午03时○○潮流和被奖励一个美丽的女人的订婚戒指和一个男人的铂带! 哇,什么是找到! 他告诉我,他找到在浅水冲浪略低于低潮马克在黑暗中,尽管气温是冷静,这是非常值得的努力。 我们猎杀低潮,直到黑暗和管理拿起口袋里的变化,有几个耳环和两个现在,我比以往更有决心打破钻石戒指屏障!
我们追捕的潮汐涨退未来几天内与边际运气。 .默特尔比奇是一项艰巨的沙滩上寻找一个好日子。 它得到了很多探测器交通和也有其自身的当地人谁英镑每天。 这也是一个海滩这是美联储的不断西风风,保持它磨光中的大部分一年。 当地人我也同意,挑选最稀缺的一年,但在Nor'easter打击,小心!我被告知无数故事环认为,发生在一个大风暴。 这些只是刺激我的胃口是难以捉摸的钻石戒指。
By Tuesday, the winds began to change, and the effects of Hurricane Ivan were starting to show.周二,风开始改变,和伊万飓风的影响已开始显现。 The winds began to pick up from the northeast, and the surf was getting rougher.风开始回升,从东北,和冲浪越来越粗糙。 There was also beach erosion- not good for the beach, but a blessing for us!还有海滩侵蚀,不利于沙滩,而是为我们祝福! By that afternoon, the low tide showed evidence of major sand movement, and black sand was beginning to show along the Strand.到下午,退潮证据表明主要沙运动,黑沙开始查看沿东街。
By Wednesday the beach sand had lowered by at least 2', and I picked up my first man's titanium wedding band.星期三的海滩沙子降低了至少2 ' ,和我拿起我的第一个男人的钛结婚。 Jim was also finding rings and costume jewelry, and we both were loading up on coins.吉姆还发现戒指,服装首饰,我们都被载入了硬币。 It seemed as if Lady Luck was going our way.好像幸运之神会的方向发展。
A call to Phil Alexander put us on to Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, about an hour's drive north.调用菲尔亚历山大使我们对赖茨维尔滩,北卡罗莱纳州,大约一个小时的车程北。 Phil said that the beach was quite eroded there, and that he and his hunting partner had picked up some nice rings.菲尔说,海滩很侵蚀,而且,他和他的狩猎伙伴有所回升,一些不错的戒指。 So, the next day we made plans to head north.所以,第二天我们计划向北方。
Jim picked me up at my hotel around lunchtime.吉姆挑选我在我的酒店附近吃午饭。 This gave us an hour's driving time, a lunch break, and would get us on the beach an hour before low tide.这给了我们一个小时的驾驶时间,午休时间,将让我们在海滩上,前一小时低潮。 With anticipation running high, we headed north on Highway 17.期待高涨,我们朝北公路17 。
As we suited up to hunt, we could see that the beach had been cut 4-5' in some areas.正如我们适应了打猎,我们可以看到,海滩已减少4月5日,在某些领域。 We both headed north from the main pier area and immediately began retrieving coins.我们都朝北从主墩区,并立即开始检索硬币。 Jim hunted the cut sand, and I stayed low at the water's edge, hunting the wet shells.吉姆捕杀禁砂,和我住在水低的优势,狩猎湿弹。 Jim hit a hotspot loaded with coins, and I then moved ahead toward the Wrightsville Holiday Inn.吉姆触及热点装有硬币,然后我提前向赖茨维尔假日酒店。
The tide was nearing its low mark, and I slowly worked the wet shells near the water's edge.该红潮的出现为标志接近低,我慢慢地工作湿炮弹近水的优势。 Right in front of the hotel I began hitting pulltabs.有权在酒店前,我开始打pulltabs 。 The area was loaded with crushed shells, and I was starting to wish that I had put on my diving booties.该地区是装有压弹,我开始想,我已经把我的潜水袜。 Suddenly, my Minelab Sovereign sang out with a smooth ring-tone sound.突然,我Minelab与主权相顺利铃声声音。 I scooped out a chunk of shells and moved back up onto the beach.余舀出一大块的金属炮弹和搬回了上海滩。 I dumped the scoop, and as I began scanning the shell debris I spotted a gold band and a sparkle!余抛售勺,并作为我开始扫描壳碎片我看到一黄金带和闪耀! I leaned down and picked up a lady's gold & diamond engagement ring!余下来,俯身拾起一个女人的黄金和钻石的订婚戒指! Unbelievable!令人难以置信! I had finally broken the diamond barrier!我终于打破了钻石屏障!
By this time, Jim was heading toward me and motioning that he had made a find.到这个时候,吉姆是走向我和手势,他已找到了。 He showed me a man's gold band and a lady's sterling silver ring.他给我看一个人的黄金带和夫人的纯银戒指。 He asked me what I had found, and when I showed him the engagement ring he couldn't believe it.他问我发现,当我发现他的订婚戒指,他简直不敢相信。 He took the ring and kept saying, 'Golly! It's a beauty!'他把戒指和不停地说, “发誓!这是一个美丽! ” I was grinning from ear to ear.我笑着合不拢嘴。 It is truly a magic moment when you pull your first diamond out of the sand.它确实是一个神奇的时刻,你拉你的第一个钻石出砂。 After that, we worked our way back to the car and finally called it a day- and what a day it had been!在那之后,我们工作的方式回到车和最后要求它一整天,什么一天已经!
The rest of my stay in Myrtle Beach was spent hunting the beach near the hotel.其余的我留在默特尔比奇用于狩猎的海滩附近的酒店。 I picked up a man's titanium wedding band, some sterling finger and toe rings, and more clad coins.我拿起一个男人的钛结婚,一些英镑的手指和脚趾环,更包硬币。 Jim joined me for the low tide hunts, and we finished out the week without any more diamonds.吉姆加入我的低潮捕杀,我们完成了一周没有任何更多的钻石。
All in all, it was a fantastic time!总之,这是一个美妙的时光! It's not often that you get to meet someone like Jim Brouwer.这不是经常说,你能满足像吉姆布罗威。 I had found a new friend, shared a week of great detecting, and at last achieved my goal.我已经发现了一种新的朋友,共享伟大的一个星期的检测,并在去年实现我的目标。
Two diamonds, two Jims...两颗钻石,两Jims ... two Diamond Jims!JIM PALIANI is a retired police officer from Somerset County, New Jersey两个钻石Jims !吉姆PALIANI是一名退休警官从萨默塞特郡,新泽西用金属探测器探测钻戒。
地址:郑州市郑东新区黄河南路与祥盛街交叉口东100米,龙腾盛世4号楼1503室 电话:13391988889微信:13391988889
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